Live performance: Choreographies of (be)longing
4th July 2024
On the 4th of July I performed the piece ‘Choreographies of (be)longing’, live at BAK Utrecht, as part of the public event Dreaming in the Dark. The piece was created especially for this occasion as one of the artistic provocations for the Art Utopia Policics sessions that took place from 3-5th of July. It was a joy to be part of the sessions and to be able to perform this piece in front of a larger audience, with a beautiful and evocative live music set by Josie Chambers (vocals) and Noor Noor (music), which turned out to be a perfect fit with my performance.
The Art Utopia Politics sessions brought together a diverse group of artist-researcher-practitioners who are actively experimenting with the role of creative and artistic practices in cultivating radical collective imagination and alternative forms of politics—be they disruptive, emancipatory, agonistic, speculative, or prefigurative.
Below you can see a selection of pictures form the event and an impression of the talks during the sessions.
Watch video excerpt: here
A publication of our joint provocations will follow this fall!
Reception after the performance evening 'Dreaming in the Dark', Art Utopia Politics 2024
Stage set-up of Choreographies of (be)longing, performed live during Dreaming in the Dark